Best Paris Events and Festivals
Even though summer is by far the most active season for Paris events, you’ll be surprised at the variety of year-round festivities. And we believe you’ll have a richer visit to this European cultural center if you fit an event (or two) into your plans. A trip to Paris is not complete with only sightseeing – your visit can and should include an event or festival. Soak in the city, meet locals – have an unforgettable experience.
Our list is not comprehensive of course, so be sure to check the official city of Paris events website to be sure you know what’s going on before you arrive.
From live music, to dance performances, art shows, and culinary festivals, here is a diverse array of Paris events that take place every year. Events are free unless otherwise noted.
Who said winter had to be lackluster? Although many of these Paris events fall on the cusp of winter and spring, there’s a surprising number of things to do around this time of year. 21 December to 19 March
Chinese New Year Parades
31 Jan to 9 Feb 2014
Based on the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year can fall into different seasons depending on the year. Celebrations happen all across the city, but the most important ones take place in the most-heavily populated Chinese centres of the city – the 20th arrondissement and the 13th. This year, celebrations lasted for two weeks, and included parades and delicious traditional food stalls.

Work by Thomas Rousset, from the series “Prabérians”
Young European Photographers Festival
Festival de la Jeune Photographie Européenne
7 Feb to 16 Mar 2014
This year the festival takes place at Centquatre, 5 rue Curial in 19th arrondissement, and displays works of, like the title would suggest, young European photographers. Extremely talented
ones. And the festival is magnificently, unbelievably -free! To the right is a work by French artist Thomas Rousset, from this year’s festival.
2 March 2014
This spirited cultural event comes once a year complete with a parade and live music. Every Carnaval has a theme, and this year, it’s fairies, trolls, and more! In 2014 the parade begins in the 20ème arrondissement from la Place Gambetta around 2PM, terminating at Place de la République around 9PM.
World Tattoo Fair
Mondial du Tatouage
7 March to 9 March 2014
For the tattoo enthusiast, or maybe just the curious, some of the world’s top tattoo artists show off their work at this fair. It offers a chance to see really unique and skilled designs, taking place at La Grand Halle in the 19th arrondissement. Tickets are paid, with reductions for kids between 12 and 16. There will be like music, prints for sale, and competitions for best tattoo art!
Omnivore World Tour
16 to 18 March 2014
The biggest food festival in France, the festival showcases young and innovative chefs, with demonstrations and food tasting, of course. The event’s tagline is “100% Jeune Cuisine,” or “100% Young Cuisine,” and this energy is ever-present. There are a number of separate events, including a party and the unique “Pop up Dinner” – where two chefs work together to create a unique menu. Entry is paid by event or by day, and three day tickets are also available. The event takes place in the 5th arrondissement at 24 rue Saint-Victor.
The weather is getting warmer, plants are blooming – and Parisians are celebrating. Hibernation is over. Spring boasts some great Paris events. 20 March to 20 June
Transe, choreographed by Fouad Boussouf, performed at Urban Expression event
Week of Urban Expression
Semaine des Expressions Urbaine
22 to 29 March 2014
Taking place in the suburbs of Paris, in Orly, this festival bursts with hip hop musical performances, dance battles, and more.
Performances explore the intersection between hip hop and politics, and of course, hip hop as a vehicle for creative expression.
The events will be held at Place du Fer-à-Cheval, 94310 ORLY.
National Cheese Day
Journée Nationale du Fromage
27 March 2014
Pretty self-explanatory, and worth a quick mention. When you think of France, you probably think of cheese. At least we hope you do :). Watch presentations and taste test any kind of French cheese you could think of, at the focal point of the celebration, Rue de Varenne in the 7th arrondissement.
European Night of Museums
17 May 2014
Celebrated across Europe, this Paris event is part of a larger movement to celebrate art and make it accessible to a wider audience. Hundreds of museums in Paris are completely free this Saturday, and they remain open until 1AM. Like a tamer version of Nuit Blanche (see fall section).
Villette Street Festival
30 May to 1 June 2014
Music, food, fashion, hip-hop, street art! Too cool! The festival originated almost 20 years ago, and according to the website, embraces the Do-It-Yourself spirit in the art domains.
Shakespeare in Bois de Boulogne Jardin
3 to 8 June 2014
Shakespeare theatre in the park Bois de Boulogne in Paris – could you get a more special experience than this? One show is performed per year in English with French subtitles, by English theater troupe Tower Theatre. This year it’s the comedy “As You Like It.” Tickets are 20€ for adults, and 12€ for kids under 14.
Paris is never more alive than in the summer, and this is when it overflows with outdoor concerts and festivals. And like any often gray and rainy city – the shimmering sun and warm weather brings out the best and happiest in people. 21 June to 22 September
Fête de la Musique
Paris Events – fête de la musique
21 June 2014
An outdoor, free music event in Paris. How cool is that? According to the event’s website,
the event seeks to encourage musicians to perform outside their usual venues and become accessible to a wider audience.
LGBT/Gay Pride Parade
28 June 2014
With over 700,000 marchers for equal rights this vibrant parade happens every year in the French capital in the 12th arrondissement. .
Paris Quartier d’été
13 July to 10 August 2014
It’s a free (with a few paid events) arts and culture event that lasts so long you may accidentally catch the festival! The event is an international mélange, with performers coming from all over the world. Events for 2014 have not been released yet, but 2013’s highlights included a capella Korean singers, a performance by the Kwa-Zulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra of South Africa, and surrealist Belgian performance art – among many others. Read about 2013’s events, and you can switch the language to English on individual events. We’ll keep you updated as soon as more information for 2014 is available.
A Bal des Pompiers celebration in the 17th arrondissement in 2013
Bastille Day
14 July 2014
The biggest holiday in France, French independence day celebrates the start of the French revolution. Bastille day brings in festivities all over the French capital, including a fireworks display every year, and a traditional military march on Champs-Elysées.
Stay tuned for more information on 2014’s celebrations. You can read a quick overview.
We are especially fans of Bals des Pompiers du 14 Juillet, which are huge dance parties accompanied by live music, usually outdoors. These balls take place all across the city!
The beach comes to Paris every summer
Paris Beaches
Starts around 20 July 2014 and lasts 4 weeks
Not so much a festival, as a joyous presence in the summer. For those left behind when the locals tend to flee to summer getaways, the beaches come to Paris! Picnic or sun yourself on the banks
of the Seine, wiggling your toes in the sand. This beach in Paris event is such a unique experience.
Cinema en Plein Air Festival au Parc de Villette
24 July to 28 August 2014
Outdoor film festival in Park de Villette. Shows are free! According to the website, all movies are VO (vérsion originale) which means there has been no dubbing! But subtitles will be in French. For non-French speakers, be sure to find a movie in a langugage you understand – whether Spanish, English, Arabic, etc. – otherwise you will be lost. The experience of watching a movie outdoors, in a Parisian park, is something you wouldn’t want to miss – so check the showtimes for critically-acclaimed movies that are in your language. At the time of publication we weren’t able to find a listing of shows for 2014- stay tuned.
Rock en Seine
22, 23, and 24 August 2014
This great music festival takes place every year on the Seine, just outside of the city of Paris. It’s three days long, and pulls in a range of popular singers in rock and pop genres. If you really want to soak in the festive atmosphere, you can even camp on-site and meet plenty of local revelers. This year, we’re particularly excited about performers Lana del Rey and Arctic Monkeys (the latter having just released a new album!).
Techno Parade
Techno Parade, 2013
20 September 2014
Technically still on the tail-end of summer, the Techno Parade is an open air techno festival with up to 500,000 participants – and it’s free of charge!
Get ready to dance and follow along the route, meeting other music and dance lovers along the way.
Fall contains some of our favorite Paris events – namely, the night owl’s treasured Nuit Blanche.
Nuit Blanche
4 October 2014 (date still pending)
Nuit Blanche exhibition
Unmissable, wild fun. There are activities all throughout the city, late into the night. Museums stay open later, restaurants stay open later, and there are all kinds of events that change from year to year. And they’re free! Events include outdoor art installations, live music, dance performances, and more. One of the highlights is a beautiful fireworks show, timed to music on the Seine river (just across from Musée d’Orsay in 2013). The best way to discover Nuit Blanche is to look at the program of events and check out different highlights that interest you – they will be all over the city. At the time of publication the 2014 program had not been released yet.
The number of people and the evening hours make for a festive, but at times super wild, atmosphere, which intensifies as the night goes on. As the street is more and more swarmed with people, you may even see other revelers climbing onto bus shelters. You’ll probably hear shouted versions of the national anthem, a few drinking songs, maybe some pop hits.
Be careful with public transit during the festival. Métros are open later, which is both a gift and a curse. As the night wears on, people get so hyped up that the métros are packed with drunken 20-somethings standing on seats, singing at the top of their lungs, smoking, and drinking out of brown paper bags. If this interests you – hey, a once in a lifetime experience. When’s the next time you’re going to see people going this crazy in a subway system?? But if it doesn’t sound like your scene, plan for an early escape or take an alternative route back to your place.
Yoga Festival Paris
10, 11, and 12 October 2014
For yoga enthusiasts, this festival includes a huge variety of yoga instruction, of course. But also live music performances, conferences, and more. Workshops come under different categories and suit different tastes. Prices are cheap and tickets include the full day – you can choose a day for 8€, or attend all three for 20€.
There you have it. Paris is an exciting city bubbling over with things to do, not limited to a stroll along the Seine and a visit to the Notre Dame (although we adore both). Paris events are as varied and wonderful as the people of the city itself. Have an exciting cultural experience!
Happy Travels,
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