The First Airport Car Share in France

Dear Travelers,

Here at TravelerCar we are happy to bring you the first airport car share in France – and in Europe. Our vision is to help visitors thrive off of the “collaborative economy” – a place where you can share existing resources, make new friends, and save money. It’s a revolutionary way to make more eco-responsible choices – helping the planet while helping each other. A win-win.

Our services are currently available in all three main Paris, France airports. Locals park their car for free at area airports when they leave town, and in turn they rent them out to you – the traveler – for savings up to 50%. By maximising resources that are already available, you both get to become globally-conscious travelers.

TravelerCar wants to be one of the top resource-sharing companies around. We will bring you plenty of content to help you plan your trip via car share in France – Where should you visit? What should you do? How should you do it? Your travel possibilities are endless.

Above all, we are here to help you create a more local trip – by bringing you ways to share activities, meals, and resources with residents. We’ll bring you tips about French and Parisian travel, and inspiration to make your visit rewarding and unforgettable. Our blog content is brought to you by an expat living in France – so you’ll be getting first-hand insight into the French travel experience from a foreigner who has done it all before.

We hope to keep you coming back, as a resource to help you dream up new and exciting ways to see and experience French culture with TravelerCar’s airport car share in France. We want to help you see the country from as local a perspective as possible.

Happy travels!

Sasha at TravelerCar

Want to learn more about us? Click here.


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Want to rent a local’s car with TravelerCar? As we work on translating our search engine to English, contact us directly here. We will get back to you ASAP!


About the author:

Sasha is an American transplant living and studying French in Paris. She writes about culture and travel in France and Europe for TravelerCar, never losing sight of her adventurer’s perspective. She’s sharpening her French, trying to live like a local, and doing tons of exploring on the way. She’s just to keep the French food binges to a minimum. It’s a challenge.




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